// This allows to expose several variables to the global scope, to be used in scripts window.theme = { template: "index", shopCurrency: "USD", moneyFormat: "${{amount}}", moneyWithCurrencyFormat: "${{amount}} USD", currencyConversionEnabled: true, currencyConversionMoneyFormat: "money_with_currency_format", currencyConversionRoundAmounts: false, productImageSize: "natural", searchMode: "product", showPageTransition: true, showElementStaggering: true, showImageZooming: true }; window.languages = { cartAddNote: "", cartEditNote: "Edit Order Note", productImageLoadingError: "This image could not be loaded. Please try to reload the page.", productFormAddToCart: "Add to cart", productFormUnavailable: "Unavailable", productFormSoldOut: "Sold Out", shippingEstimatorOneResult: "1 option available:", shippingEstimatorMoreResults: "{{count}} options available:", shippingEstimatorNoResults: "No shipping could be found" }; window.lazySizesConfig = { loadHidden: false, hFac: 0.5, expFactor: 2, ricTimeout: 150, lazyClass: 'Image--lazyLoad', loadingClass: 'Image--lazyLoading', loadedClass: 'Image--lazyLoaded' }; document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace('no-js', 'js'); document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--window-height', window.innerHeight + 'px'); // We do a quick detection of some features (we could use Modernizr but for so little...) (function() { document.documentElement.className += ((window.CSS && window.CSS.supports('(position: sticky) or (position: -webkit-sticky)')) ? ' supports-sticky' : ' no-supports-sticky'); document.documentElement.className += (window.matchMedia('(-moz-touch-enabled: 1), (hover: none)')).matches ? ' no-supports-hover' : ' supports-hover'; }()); // This code is done to force reload the page when the back button is hit (which allows to fix stale data on cart, for instance) if (performance.navigation.type === 2) { location.reload(true); } document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('')